There was no one on the roads driving out to The Kennedy Ranges in Western Australia, we could even stand in the middle of the highway LOL 😂…… it was eerily quiet but so beautiful. This sounds weird but the silence was deafening. It was all bitumen so far from Carnarvon to this FREE spot, which was approx 80 kms before Gascoyne Junction.

This FREE spot just by the side of the road was great because it was so quiet, we watched a gorgeous sunset and the stars were amazing.
Campground At Kennedy Ranges (Temple Gorge Campground)
Temple Gorge Campground in The Kennedy Ranges really is an amazing place to camp, you’re surrounded by spectacular scenery from every angle…..the road in was a little bit corrugated but it was worth every bump to get there (it wasn’t too bumpy when we came through). It’s approximately 56 kms of corrugated, unsealed roads.

The hike up the escarpment is so worth it (3.4km return), the views are really stunning and you can see the campsite and across the ranges.
Temple Gorge camping- $11 each, MUST BRING YOUR OWN WATER, THERE”S NO WATER THERE. If you click on the photos and zoom in you can see the campsite from the escarpment Or click on our video below which features this Amazing Place….
The Kennedy Loop Track
We got up early when we set off on The Kennedy Loop, even thou it’s only 270kms they recommend 1.5 days to complete. We got all packed up with food, water, clothes and swag ready for a night camping out (we left the caravan at Temple gorge). After a shaky start….getting lost because we thought a gate was a fence (all revealed in our video below)…..we set off anti clockwise so we could do the cliffs first and finish around at Chaffcutters Spring (we were told by the caretaker that it’s a popular place to camp).
More info here on the loop-
Before we set up camp at Chaffcutters we had to make the descent down the cliffs, some rocky sections and ruts. We made a quick stop and signed the book to say we had completed the loop (well not yet, we still had to cross the Gascoyne River Bed). The conditions of the track weren’t too bad, just had to slow down and drive to the conditions.
There’s nothing better when you set up camp and you’ve got it all to yourself. Swag up, showers done, chilli con carne on the go…lovely jubbley